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Assist Travel/Transport
Personalised Assistance with Travel & Transport
We at Unique Community Services believe in quality living for every individual, more so, the aged and the ones who are disabled. Our highly trained and experienced support workers, hence ensure to provide the necessary support services to these individuals, in the form of assistance with travel and transport . Our customised assistance with travel and transport service would help these people lead an active, social and mobile life, with as much autonomy as possible.

How Does Our Assistance with Travel & Transport Make A Difference?
Our support workers never provide any generalised support. They will take into account the nature and severity of the disabilities and support needed, and will come up with support packages accordingly. They will consider their lifestyle and the objectives of life to come up with support that will help them travel to their clinics, banks, or markets and shopping malls, or visit their respective community and friends. Thus, our support helps them to lead the life of their choice, and be in a jovial mood, which is the pathway to a happy & healthier life.

What Our Services for Travel & Transport Assistance Include?
We offer a wide array of assistance with travel and transport, which may include but not restricted to:
  • Assistance with social, economic and daily life activities
  • Visiting the local shopping centres, markets and shopping malls
  • Assistance with driving private vehicles
  • Assistance with Medical appointment
  • Assistance with traveling to hold professional or personal meetings
  • Visiting community, friends and family
  • Assistance in using aids and tools that facilitate mobility
At Unique Community Services, we believe in self-reliance of every individual. Therefore, our experts would do whatever it takes to make that happen in the life of those living with disabilities. Our customised support services will help these individuals overcome the sense of dejection and being a social outcast. Our support empowers these individuals to live a life of self esteem, and independence.